Topics in data analysis

This series of blog posts is based on the Fall 2019 10-718 Data Analysis class at Carnegie Mellon University, taught by Leila Wehbe, with the assistance of Jacob Tyo, Aria Wang and Fabricio Flores. The blog posts were written by the students and edited by the instructors and the ML@CMU blog team. What is data analysis? A simple definition is: the application of machine learning and statistical methods to real world data to solve a problem. While this statement is simple, data analysis eventually requires expertise from a vast number of disciplines such as the real world domain in question (e.g. healthcare, specific scientific field, finance, etc.) and machine learning and statistics, but could also require knowledge from other fields as diverse as computing or policy or law. The complexity of data science leads to a plethora of possible pitfalls, with no clear instructions on how to avoid them. It is very difficult to construct a specific set of such instructions because every application domain has very specific setups, goals and constraints. We focus here on these issues from the perspective of a machine learning expert and attempt to provide some general guidelines to avoid pitfalls. In some cases where it’s difficult to provide guidelines, we present a set of notable mistakes to avoid. Unlike usual machine learning classes or tutorials that focus on introducing methods and algorithms, we focus on the higher level of motivating the use of these algorithms and testing the generalizability of their conclusions. We focus on the connection between machine learning and its practice. In this series of educational blog posts, we highlight components of data analysis by focusing on 7 topics. Each topic is based on key papers, book chapters or blog posts that we have discussed in class. For each topic, we highlight pitfalls to watch out for and propose solutions when possible, some inspired by the literature and others by class discussion. We invite the readers to share their comments with us to help us improve the posts.
